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Letting Freedom Fly Over The Skies of Telluride

Telluride, Colorado, USA | July 4, 2024

The skies over Telluride transformed into a breathtaking tableau of freedom and celebration, leaving spectators with hearts full of pride and awe as the night sky danced with lights and colors to celebrate a truly unforgettable Fourth of July.
The skies over Telluride transformed into a breathtaking tableau of freedom and celebration, leaving spectators with hearts full of pride and awe as the night sky danced with lights and colors to celebrate a truly unforgettable Fourth of July.

Nova Sky Stories Quick Facts:

  • Event: Independence Illuminated
  • Location: Telluride, Colorado, USA
  • # of drones: 600
  • Artist: Nova Sky Stories
  • Production: Nova Sky Stories

As twilight settled over the picturesque Rocky Mountains in Telluride, Colorado, the show was only just beginning.

The drones soared high above as they formed intricate patterns and patriotic symbols accompanied by a stirring soundtrack that echoed the essence of American pride throughout the entire canyon.

With vibrant colors and intricate detail, the show continued with a tribute to the American spirit showcasing the American flag, a bald eagle, and firecrackers bursting in brilliant hues of red, white, and blue.

This was more than your average July 4th show; it was a tribute to the American spirit, a celebration of our nation’s independence, and a reminder of the beauty that comes from unity and community. 🇺🇸

A special thank you to the partners who contributed to the magic of this Sky Story:

  • Town of Telluride
  • Telluride Fire Protection District
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